State College Businessman Wins Statewide Builder Of The Year Award
March 6, 2013 / Pennsylvania Builders Association
Lemoyne, Pa.
Chris Schoonmaker, President of S & A Homes Housing Division wasawarded the Pennsylvania Builders Association’s Builder of the Year award Friday March 1st duringthe association’s President’s Installation Banquet and Awards Gala at the Wyndham, Gettysburg.This is one of the association’s highest awards.
Schoonmaker was recognized with the statewide award based on his impact on theconstruction industry and his service to both PBA, the National Association of Home Builders, andhis local association – the Builders Association of Central PA. More than 200 guests were on handto applaud this achievement.
Schoonmaker has served the association in multiple capacities in his 14 years as a member,as a Board member, PaCAH Committee Chair, PaCAH trustee and long-term Government AffairsCommittee Chair.
In addition to being a member of PBA, Schoonmaker is active in the Builders Association ofCentral PA. Locally he has served as President, Gold Gavel Club Chair and 10-years as the coChairmanof an ongoing golf tournament to benefit Habitat for Humanity.
For more information about PBA’s Gala Awards, click here.
About PBA
Chartered in 1952, the Pennsylvania Builders Association is a nonprofit professional tradeorganization representing nearly 6,000 member-companies from across the commonwealth. PBAmembers and their 200,000+ employees include builders, remodelers, material suppliers,subcontractors, consultants, lending institutions, utilities and others involved in the housingindustry.
PBA serves its membership by providing proactive leadership on state regulatory and legislativeissues and by offering products and services to its 38 local associations and chapters that enhancethe effectiveness and professionalism of its members. PBA serves Pennsylvania communities andconsumers through its steadfast efforts to protect homeownership rights and advocate foraffordable housing options. PBA is affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders.