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Home Organization Tips for a New School Year

Home Organization TipsBack-to-school season can be just as chaotic as it is relieving (for the parents at least!). After a long summer break without much structure, getting back into a daily routine can bring some much-welcomed order back to your home.

When you think about getting organized for school, there’s more to organize than just your kids’ rooms. Thinking about the rush you feel from the moment the alarm goes off until you’re finally able to push the kids out the door, you’ll understand why organizing the whole house is important. Here’s how to organize some key rooms in your home for this new season and start the school year on the right foot!


The kitchen is the “heart of the home;” how else can you explain why your family is constantly cycling in and out of it every day? When school is in session, the kitchen can be the hub for all the chaos: in the morning there’s a flurry of activity as everyone is rushing through to grab breakfast, lunches, and coffees as they rush out into the world. In the evenings, some kids may opt to do their homework there while dinner is being made.

Accounting for your kids’ ages, set aside a shelf in the fridge and cabinets stocked with breakfast, lunch and snack items they can grab on their own to create their own meals for the day. This will help alleviate some of the morning log jam in the kitchen.

Family Room

Often times, the family room becomes the catchall for everyone’s belongings and can quickly spiral out of control between school supplies, toys, and other items. Reclaim the family room by creating a dedicated “drop zone” away from this room where kids (and parents) can drop their bags when they get home, keeping this room clear and available for the family to unwind in together after a long day.

Bedroom closets

Avoid the rushed, last-minute wardrobe crises by organizing the closets, removing items that don’t fit, are out of season, or things they simply don’t wear any more. Some younger kids may benefit from having their clothes picked out the night before and set aside where they can easily find them the next day.


“Have you seen my backpack?” Avoid this perennial question by creating a spot near the door where your kids can place their backpacks the night before (make sure they have everything they need for the next day inside!). The entry way is a great location to designate as your “drop zone” as well!

Study/Play Area

Your kids will need a place to do homework, study, or read in addition to the areas they typically play in. Whether they have a desk area in their room or will share a desk area in a communal room, make sure the space is organized and set up so they can be productive. If possible, keep any toys or electronics that may distract or tempt them from finishing their homework in a separate area.

Keep additional school supplies nearby where they can easily find them.

These simple tips will help get your home in shape for the new school year.

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