Building Forward. S&A Homes Blog

Help Us Help the Salvation Army

support the Salvation Army in downtown State CollegeThe Salvation Army – its name is synonymous with the holidays, goodwill and reaching a hand out to our neighbors. At S&A Homes, we are a big supporter of the Salvation Army, and today until 7:00 p.m. we will be braving the elements to man the pot at the corner of College Avenue and Allen Street in downtown State College.

Although most of us have slipped a dollar or two into the red Christmas kettle during the holiday season, how many really know where that money ends up?  Many of you may be surprised to learn just how many important causes the Salvation Army supports. From its humble roots in San Francisco in 1891 to its national presence in 2013, the Salvation Army extends itself far beyond just helping the poor.

Here is a list of just some of the areas you will help if you decide to donate to the Salvation Army Red Kettle this holiday season:

  • Adult rehabilitation
  • Veteran’s affairs services
  • Prison ministries
  • Elderly services
  • Combating human trafficking
  • Missing persons
  • Hunger relief
  • Housing and homeless services
  • Christmas assistance
  • Youth camps
  • Kroc community centers

If you are out and about in Downtown State College today, we hope to see you help support this very special cause!

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